アジア国際法学会日本協会 第14回研究大会
横浜国立大学経済学部講義棟1号館(Zoom Webinarでも配信)
午前セッション 10:00 – 12:30
セッションテーマ: Perspectives from East Asia
福永有夏 (早稲田大学社会科学部教授)
1) KIM Wonhee (Senior Researcher, Ocean Law Research Center, Korea Institute of Ocean and Technology)
“Problems and Prospect of Request for an Advisory Opinion on Climate Change and International Law submitted to the ITLOS”
2) SAWADA Satoko (Assistant Director, Economic Dispute Settlement Division, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Japan)
“Sustainable Development and International Dispute Settlement: Implications to the Asia-Pacific Region”
3) ZHANG Kangle (Assistant Professor, Peking University Law School)
“Between Environmental Concerns and Financial Incentives: The Law and Politics of ESG”
午後セッション 14:30-17:45
セッションテーマ: Perspectives from Around the World
木村ひとみ (大妻女子大学社会情報学部准教授)
1) Henri DOERING (Attorney-at-law, OKLP Law Office, Berlin)
“Legal Rules for the International Waste Trade: The Implementation of the Basel Convention in Japan and the EU”
2) Asad G. KIYANI (Assistant Professor, University of Victoria)
“Sovereignty, Ontology, and Fairness: Legitimizing International Criminal Law”
3) Amrita MUKHERJEE (Lecturer, University of Leeds)
“International Human Rights Law: ‘No One Left Behind’ and the Right to Inclusive Education”
4) Ruby PANCHAL (Assistant Professor, Jindal Global Law School)
“Analyzing India and China Bilateral Investment Treaties (BITs): Lessons for Climate Change Toolkit”
5) Jason RUDALL (Assistant Professor, Leiden University)
“The Energy Transition and Investor-State Dispute Settlement in Asia: On Managing Expectations and Avoiding Sagas”
阿部浩己 (アジア国際法学会日本協会副理事長・明治学院大学国際学部教授)
Best Paper Awardの受賞者は、Dr. Henri DOERING (Attorney-at-law, OKLP Law Office, Berlin)に決まりました。
懇親会 18:00 – 19:30