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阿部 紀恵(神戸大学人間発達環境学研究科 助教)
“Climate Change Litigations as New Standard Legal Methods for Limiting Global Warming?”


アジア国際法学会日本協会 第13回研究大会
報告者と座長が参集する会場(JIDRC)からのオンライン配信(Zoom Webinar)



Today, sustainable development has become a common concern among societies internationally. Notably, the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development undertakes that the economic, social, and environmental dimensions be balanced among all countries and all stakeholders. In the past, economic development and environmental protection, among other things, tended to be seen as conflicting values. However, both are now viewed as important values to be pursued back-to-back, hand-in-hand, with adequate coordination between them. Recently, we have been able to observe new and diversifying tools/techniques/methods for pursuing sustainability in collaborations across different fields of international law, along with traditional international legal approaches. For example, World Trade Organization (WTO) members are close to reaching an agreement to establish international restrictions on fisheries subsidies, including shipbuilding subsidies, that are harmful to the environment. In addition, Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) members are continuing their creation of a list of environment-friendly products that can be afforded preferable treatment in the course of international trade. Furthermore, non-binding tools such as the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs); standards on environmental, social, and governance (ESG) investing; green finance; and climate litigations are becoming prominent.
The conference seeks to explore new paths to address these issues.


Opening Remarks 09:45-09:55 [UTC+9]
KUNIYA Shiro (Managing Partner, Oh-Ebashi LPC & Partners; President, Japan Chapter of the Asian Society of International Law)

MORNING SESSION 10:00-12:30 [UTC+9]

Session Theme: Zooming into Sustainable Development
KOYANO Mari (Professor, Graduate School of Law, Hokkaido University)
1. LIN Ching-Fu (Associate Professor of Law, National Tsing Hua University)
Global Sustainability Governance through Orchestration
2. LIU Yang (Assistant Professor, Law School, Renmin University of China)
International Health Law as Development: Liberal Past into Post-Pandemic Future?
3. IDE Yuri (Senior Representative, JICA Sri Lanka Office)
JICA’s Cooperation for the Legal and Judicial Development towards the Promotion of Rule of Law: traditional approaches and new development
4. Otto SPIJKERS (Professor, China Institute of Boundary and Ocean Studies, Wuhan University)
Public Participation in the Drafting of the Millennium and Sustainable Development Goals, and in the Declaration on the Commemoration of the 75th Anniversary of the United Nations
5. TANINAI Ichitomo (Director, Economic Dispute Settlement Division, International Legal Affairs Bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Japan)
The Evolving Features of International Economic Law Pertaining to Sustainable Development

12:45-13:15 General Assembly, members only



Session Theme: Zooming out from Practices
ISHIKAWA Tomoko (Professor, Graduate School of International Development, Nagoya University)
1. ABE Kie (Assistant Professor, Kobe University)
Climate Change Litigations as New Standard Legal Methods for Limiting Global Warming?
2. HAGIWARA Kazuki (Lecturer, Fukuoka University; Visiting Researcher, University of Ottawa)
Enhanced De Facto Constraints Imposed by Non-legally Binding Instruments and Interactions with Normative Environment: An Analysis of the Joint Statement for Conservation and Management of Japanese Eel Stock
3. ICHIHARA Masako (Researcher, Research Institute for Humanity and Nature (RIHN))
Facing Risks of Climate Change Litigation: Through Some Case Studies in the Netherlands and Japan
4. NGO Trong Quan (Lecturer, Hanoi Law University)
Addressing Sustainable Development in International Investment Law: A Preliminary Assessment of Vietnamese IIAs
5. SEKINE Takemasa (Professor, Yokohama National University)
“Creep Phenomenon” of Labor Provisions in FTAs: The Development in Asian Countries
Closing Remarks 16:35-16:45 [UTC+9]
ABE Kohki (Professor, Meiji Gakuin University; Vice-President, Japan Chapter of the Asian Society of International Law)

17:00-18:30 Executive Council Meeting