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第11回研究大会報告公募(Call for Papers)



来年度の研究大会は、“Whither Eastern Asian Liberals?: The Aspirations and Anxieties of International Law in Taiwan, Korea, and Japan”をテーマに、2020年7月12日(日)に横浜国立大学において開催いたします。
日本協会の会員の皆様の国際的な活動をお手伝いさせていただく観点から、来年度の研究大会も国内外を対象とした世界公募(Call for Papers)方式で報告者を募集し、原則として英語により実施いたします。また、特に良いpaperを提出・発表した方にはBest Paper Awardと副賞5万円を贈ります。


Call for Papers (pdf)
The Japan Chapter of the Asian Society of International Law
The 11th Annual Conference
July 12, 2020
Yokohama National University, Yokohama, Japan

All academics, practitioners, lawyers, and government officials worldwide are invited to submit a proposal.
Conference Theme: Whither Eastern Asian Liberals?: The Aspirations and Anxieties of International Law in Taiwan, Korea, and Japan
Globally, national populism and antiforeignism are currently on the rise. Furthermore, sovereign states tend to lean toward adopting anti-internationalist foreign policy which unsurprisingly leads to international disputes. In other words, there has been a decline in liberal order and democracy that support international law and vice versa; and the Northeast Asian countries (jurisdictions), Taiwan, Korea, and Japan, are no exception to this. Although the corrosion of liberalism is particularly evident in terms of the security, history, and territorial sovereignty in the aforementioned region; the possibility of this overshadowing the shared values among these three jurisdictions (e.g., the protection of fundamental human rights and democracy) is a serious concern.
The conference seeks to explore how international law can and should work toward protecting and promoting liberal order as well as developing international cooperation.
Proposals for papers that focus on the following areas with respect the three mentioned jurisdictions and other countries are welcome.
・theory and history of international law
・international organizations
・international dispute settlement
・international humanitarian law
・international environmental and energy laws
・the Law of the Sea
・international commercial law
・private international law
・international trade and investment law
・international human rights law (IHRL)
Submission Details
Proposals must be emailed to 2020asiansiljp@gmail.com by March 14, 2020 (Submissions are now closed).
Submissions must include the following:
1. An abstract of an unpublished paper (The abstract must have a maximum of 500 words, including the title.)
2. The proposal author’s CV of no more than 2 pages (The CV must include the author’s contact details and a list of relevant publications. Membership of the Japan Chapter of the Asian Society of International Law and/or the Asian Society of International Law must also be indicated.)
*The abstract and the CV must be written in English and both placed in a single PDF file.
Screening Process
Proposals will be reviewed by the Research and Planning Committee of the Japan Chapter of the Asian Society of International Law. Authors of accepted proposals will be notified by mid-March 2020.
Full Papers
The authors of accepted proposals must submit the full paper by June 30, 2020. The work must be unpublished elsewhere. An electronic copy will be provided to the participants of the conference.
Registration Fees and Expenses
All speakers and panelists are exempt from registration fees for the conference. Please note that the registration fees do not include any meals and reception.
All participants, including the speakers and panelists, must be able to cover their own travel and accommodation expenses.
Conference Venue
Yokohama National University, Japan
The Best Paper Award recognizes the speaker who presents the best paper during the conference. The awarded speakers will receive a grant of ¥50,000.
The working language of the conference is English, although a few sessions may be concurrently conducted in Japanese.
Any inquiries about the conference may be emailed to the following address: 2020asiansiljp@gmail.com
The program of the conference will be posted on the homepage of the Japan Chapter of the Asian Society of International Law in late April 2020.