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The 15th Annual Conference was held on June 30th

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The 14th Annual Conference was held on June 30th. Thank you very much for your participation.




The Japan Chapter of the Asian Society of International Law
The 15h Annual Conference

Sunday, June 30, 2024
Second Floor, Chuo University Myogadani Campus, Tokyo
Supported by the Japan Federation of Bar Associations (JFBA)

Conference Theme
Invoking Global Standards: How International Law Works in Japan and in Other Asian Countries?

A large segment of international law, whether hard or soft, is implemented domestically. Without domestic implementation, international laws, like those for human rights, trade, environment, and any other areas, as well as international legal rules and standards, will become dead letters. This particularly holds true for Japan and other Asian countries, where the strict legal acceptance of international rules may, arguably, pose greater challenges than in other regions of the world. Therefore, it is important to gain a deeper understanding of how international rules and global standards are invoked domestically.

The 2024 Annual Conference will address research findings from diverse fields of international law, spanning historical to current issues, encompassing both, private and public international law, as well as substantive law and the dynamics of law, in the hope of cross-sectoral dialogue and collaboration.


11:00-12:30 [UTC+9] Morning Session (in English)
Room 2E08

Opening Remarks
NISHIUMI Maki (Professor, Chuo University; President, Japan Chapter of the Asian Society of International Law)
ENDO Kenichiro (Dean and Professor, Faculty of Law, Chuo University)
Keynote Lecture
TOYODA Tetsuya (Professor, Akita International University)
Keynote Speaker:
OTANI Mikiko (Partner, Otani & Partners; member and former Chair of the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child)
“Integrating Children’s Rights into Business Activities: Beyond Child Labour, Beyond Supply Chains”
Discussant Comments
OHASHI Yoshimi (PhD Candidate in Law, Waseda University)
Questions and Answers


12:30-13:30 [UTC+9] Buffet Lunch (in English and Japanese)

Lunch reception, along with table meetings of concurrent sessions
Greetings and Toast
Conversations over lunch continued

14:00-16:30 [UTC+9] Afternoon Session (in English and Japanese)

Panel 1 Domestic Implementation of International Law (in Japanese) Room 2C02
AGO Shin-ichi (Professor Emeritus, Kyushu University)
ASONUMA Haruna (Associate Professor, Hiroshima Shudo University)
“Acceptance and Invocation of Law of War in Early 20th-Century Japan: with focus on the First and Second Hague Peace Conferences”
FUKUI Yasuhito (Senior Post Doctoral Researcher, Integrated Support Center for Nuclear Nonproliferation and Nuclear Security, Japan Atomic Energy Agency)
“Domestic Application of International Standards for Nuclear Safety and Security: Japanese Practice as an Example”
FUJITA Masaki (Associate Professor, Komazawa University)
“Acceptability of International Standards on Gender Gaps in Japanese Corporate Law”
SATO Ikuko (Professor, J. F. Oberlin University)
“Domestic Application of International Standards in International Refugee Law: Current State and Future Possibilities as Seen in Judicial Cases”
WANG Yin-Wen (PhD, Graduate Schools for Law and Politics, University of Tokyo)
“Application of International Human Rights Standards in Taiwanese Courts”
Panel 2 Asianization and Localization of Allegedly Global Norms (in English) Room 2C03
NISHI Taira (Professor, Kansai University)
Shirley SCOTT (Professor, UNSW Canberra)
“Identifying ‘Real’ Normative Challenges to the Rules Based International Order”
Vy Ngo NGUYEN THAO (Managing Editor, Vietnamese Journal of Legal Sciences)
“Between Binary and Beyond: A Comparative Exploration of International Norms in Cyberspace across Japan, China, and the European Union”
Constantinos YIALLOURIDES (Associate Professor, Macquarie University)
“Global Laws, Local Actions: How International Environmental Law Shapes Domestic CO2 Storage Policies to Fight Climate Change”
Panel 3 Transnational Judicial Dynamics (in English) Room 2E06
SUAMI Takao(Professor, Waseda University)
Abhinav MEHROTRA (Assistant Professor, O. P. Jindal Global University)
Amit UPADHYAY (Associate Professor, O. P. Jindal Global University)
“India’s Approach towards Adjudication by International Courts and Tribunals: In Search of Uniformity”
KANG Sungjin (Foreign legal counsel, Kim & Chang)
“Anti-circumvention Inquiry: Need to Adopt to Changing Tides”
KATAOKA Hiroshi (Lawyer, PhD Student, Institute of Information Security)
“The Future of International Evidence Collection: Resolving Conflicts Between the Extraterritorial Application of U.S. Discovery and Data Localization Measures in Other Countries”
Panel 4 Human Rights and Global Rule of Law (in English) Room 2E07
YAMADA Miwa(Director-General, Institute of Developing Economies, Japan External Trade Organization )
YOSHIDA Akinaga (Assistant Professor, Waseda University)
“Informal International Lawmaking under the CRPD and State’s Resistance: National Human Rights Institutions as Intermediary”
Hadi Rahmat PURNAMA (Senior Lecturer, Universitas Indonesia)
“Building Regional Human Rights Mechanism through Tension: the case of ASEAN Intergovernmental Commission on Human Rights”
Pui-yin LO (Lecturer, The University of Hong Kong)
“Constitutionalised Dualism for Human Rights Protection: Hong Kong’s Paradoxical Practice”
Irina TERZIC (PhD Candidate, Bond University)
“The Impact of Space Debris on the Right to a Healthy Environment in the Context of the International and Japanese Law”

16:45-17:00 [UTC+9] Concluding Session with Remarks by NISHIUMI Maki (in English and Japanese)

17:10-17:30 [UTC+9] Japan Chapter’s Assembly Meeting for administrative matters (only in Japanese)

18:00-19:30 [UTC+9] Evening Reception (in English and Japanese)